UpdraftPlus Backup / Restore / Clone / Migrate plugin for WordPress

UpdraftPlus, a backup/restore/clone/migration plugin for WordPress simplifies backups (and restoration). Backup into the cloud (Amazon S3, Dropbox, Google Drive, Rackspace Cloud, DreamObjects, FTP, SFTP, WebDAV and email) and restore with a single click. Backups of files and database can have separate schedules.

Don't Risk Anything Less

Your backups are worth the same as your entire investment in your website. The day may come when you get hacked, or your hosting company does, or they go bust - without good backups, you lose everything. Do you really want to entrust all your work to plugins with only a few thousand downloads, or that has no professional backup or support? Believe us - writing a reliable backup plugin that works consistently across the huge range of WordPress deployments is hard.

UpdraftPlus Addons And Premium

UpdraftPlus is not crippled in any way - it is fully functional, with no annoying omissions. What we do have is various extra features, and guaranteed support, available from our website, updraftplus.com.

If you need WordPress multisite compatibility (you'll know if you do), then you need UpdraftPlus Premium.

Professional / Enterprise support agreements available

UpdraftPlus is written by professional WordPress developers. If your site needs guaranteed support, then we are available. Just go to our shop.

Are you multi-lingual? Can you translate?

Are you able to translate UpdraftPlus into another language? Are you ready to help speakers of your language? UpdraftPlus itself is ready and waiting - the only work needed is the translating. The translation process is easy, and web-based - go here for instructions: https://updraftplus.com/translate/.

Other support

We hang out in the support forum for this plugin - http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/updraftplus - however, to save our time so that we can spend it on development, please read the plugin's Frequently Asked Questions - https://updraftplus.com/support/frequently-asked-questions/ - before going there, and ensure that you have updated to the latest released version of UpdraftPlus.